Tuesday, February 3, 2009

tonight in class....

yes, we are FINALLY studying TCM... aka traditional Chinese medicine. I have been looking forward to this ever since i started school. so, tonight we had a guest speaker who is an acupuncture physician. she was awesome. we saw demos of cupping... where they slather you in oil and then light a fire under a glass jar then quickly stick it to your skin.... ultimately causing little hicky like circulars all over your body... like getting into a fight with a sex driven vacuum cleaner hose. (not that i know first hand what that like or anything) ahem, but the goal of that is similar to a deep tissue massage. then we all got treated to poking action with little needles. absolutely painless, but each and every one of had a seperate type of treatment and yet all ended up looking similar to horror movie star boy up top there. its was cool though.
i even feel like i can breathe a little better after having my swollen internally bruised ribs poked. at one time i had over 70 needles in my back. the ones that she put on my face and head felt a little odd... but still no pain. rethinking this years Halloween costume now... hmmm get a acupuncture treatment AND candy at the same time.... genious!


Persnickety Ticker said...

And no one took pictures of you looking like needle boy there?

You speak of and protesteth of the sex driven vacuum cleaner hose a little too much, methinks.

You know you are a freak. Revel in it!

Meuse said...

bwahahahahaaaaa! heh heh pleadin da 5th...